Deaf and dumb bookie

chris (2002-10-11 15:49:28)
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A deaf and dumb guy got a job working for a bookie. His only form of
communication was sign language, and after a while, one of the girls working
in there got to learn enough of it to hold a conversation with him.

When £30,000 went mysteriously missing, the bookie worked out that only the
deaf and dumb guy could possibly have taken it. He called both him and the
sign-talking girl to his office.

He said to the girl "Ask him were my 30 grand is." The girl signed the
question, and the deaf and dumb guy signed back that he didn't know what the
bookie was talking about. This went on for some time until the bookie
produced a revolver from his top drawer. "Tell him if I don't find out where
my 30 grand is, he gets it right between the eyes". The girl signed the
threat frantically to the deaf and dumb guy. He thought for a moment and
signed back "OK, tell him I stashed it in a locker at the railway station.
The key is in the glove box of my car."

The bookie asked the girl what the man had said. "He says f**k off".